farm & crop insurance
Here at McConnell we understand that farming is a lifestyle, not just a job. There are many factors that could threaten your livelihood such as a natural disaster, sick livestock or even crop failure. We have multiple agents with experience in the industry who can identify possible risks and help you obtain a policy that protects you even in the worst case scenario.
Crop Insurance Services:
While we offer all lines of crop insurance our most popular lines are Crop- Hail, Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Pasture, Range land & Forest, and Multi-Peril coverage.
Yield Protection: This coverage provides protection against a loss in production below the predetermined amount Pasture, Range Land & Forage- Provides coverage for pasture, range land and forage losses due to low precipitation.
Revenue Protection: This coverage protects against lost revenue due to reduced yields or reduced priced with upside harvest potential.
Crop-Hail: Crop Hail coverage protects against losses due to hail and or fire for your products.
Multi-Peril: Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MCPI) is federally supported and regulated. It covers against destructive weather, drought, fire, flooding, and insect damage. While it covers 120 crops not every crop is covered in each geographical area.
Farm Services
While some people think that a farm is just “crops”, we understand that a farm is more than that. We have coverage options that will protect you from a covered loss for your animals, a piece of equipment or even the smallest tool you own.
Property/Equipment: Property and Equipment coverage covers everything from the smallest tool to your biggest piece of equipment, including your private residence.
Liability: Liability coverage protects you from being help liable in the event that an injury occurs while on your premises or by one of your products
Workers Compensation: In the event that you do have employees on your farm, workers compensation is needed to protect both you and your employees if an injury occurs while working.